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They sold my sister

Published on - Tue Aug 13 2024 08:51:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

The short story follows a simple structure. It presents the forced marriage of a Maasai girl as seen through her younger sister’s perspective. The most important character is the narrator, Naliki. Additionally, we will also briefly characterise Nyamalo, the narrator’s sister.

The social setting of the story suggests that the events could take place in the 1970s-1980s Kenya, a time when attitudes among the Maasai people towards forced marriage and female genital mutilation were beginning to change. The story also focuses on Maasai marriage customs, generational conflicts, and Western influences.

“They Sold My Sister” is a first-person narration, told from the point of view of the character-narrator, a 12-year old Maasai girl named Naliki. Moreover, the language of the short story is simple and easy to follow, because it conveys the perspective of a child.description